Words That Free You


It is said that “words are the mirror of the heart♥” and that they also reflect my thoughts. If I want my language to be filled with Freedom, Wisdom and Love, there are certain words or at least a certain form of language that I must use.

Jacques Martel has acquired a great expertise in this area through his many communications with the public since 1998, as much in Quebec as in Europe.

In this book, which he intends as a practical tool, he shares with us several keys to help us make the messages we want to transmit more easily understood by others at the level of the heart♥. He gives me the knowledge of certain words related to spiritual principles, which I can integrate into my ordinary language with my family, my friends, my work relationships and when I address myself to a public. The result is a more effective and a truer communication.




Words That Free You

It is said that “words are the mirror of the heart♥” and that they also reflect my thoughts. If I want my language to be filled with Freedom, Wisdom and Love, there are certain words or at least a certain form of language that I must use.

Jacques Martel has acquired a great expertise in this area through his many communications with the public since 1998, as much in Quebec as in Europe.

In the book The power of the words that free me!, which he intends as a practical tool, he shares with us several keys to help us make the messages we want to transmit more easily understood by others at the level of the heart♥. He gives me the knowledge of certain words related to spiritual principles, which I can integrate into my ordinary language with my family, my friends, my work relationships and when I address myself to a public. The result is a more effective and a truer communication.


The Power of Intention

Words are important because of the effects they may have on me or on others, but there is an important factor I must take into account: it is the attitude or the intention I have in pronouncing these words. On several occasions, various persons have told me about words or a sentence that were said to them and had affected them. I would then ask the person to tell me how they felt when I then said to them the same words or the same sentence. Often they would reply: «Yes, but it’s not the same coming from you», they did not feel insulted, and yet, I had used the same words, the same sentence, which, expressed by the other person, had make them experience an unpleasant feeling. I would then emphasize that it was not what was said, but rather the intention or the attitude with which it had been said that made the difference.

Words carry an energy, whether I want them to or not. The word itself, plus the intention I put into, will determine the repercussion it will have on me or on others. If I hear the word Love said by an ordinary person, it is possible that I may feel something and that it may make this stronger feeling vibrate in me. However, if I hear the word Love said by a Master who has achieved Self-attainment or God-attainment, it is more possible that I will feel a greater wave of Love flow over me, simply because this person is more conscious of that word, has integrated this aspect more completely into their life and therefore manifest it more visibly. Thus, telling someone «I love you» with a sincere feeling will have more impact than saying it simply because I find it appropriate, without being truly and fully connected with the feeling I want to express.